  • 期刊


Applying Social Science Issues in Developing Elementary School Technology Education Curriculum: A Case Study of Microplastic


塑膠微粒是近年來發現的新型汙染物,它們無所不在,正以無孔不入的方式破壞生態環境、危害全地球的生物健康與生命,即便如此,人們置身危險仍不自知,因此這項新興的社會性科學議題,值得大家共同探討,找尋解決的方法策略。本文的目的在於以「塑膠微粒」此一社會議題為主題,應用社會性科學議題(Socio-Scientific Issue, SSI)教學策略、融入新課綱科技議題之探究,發展一套問題導向(PBL)之彈性學習領域課程,藉以培養學生的問題解決能力。期望藉由真實情境中的問題引導,小組共同討論、蒐集與分析資料的過程中,能建構「塑膠微粒」的相關認知與問題解決能力,進而提出具體的解決方法策略,落實對「塑膠微粒」的環境保護因應之道。


Microplastic has been discovered as a new pollutant recently and ruined the ecological environment ubiquitously and pervasively to endanger the health and life of all global creatures. Nevertheless, humans don't notice such a dangerous situation. Therefore, this up-to-dated socio-scientific issue is worth exploring and searching solutions. The topic of this study is based on the "Microplastic" issue, which is applying Socio-Scientific Issue (SSI) model, teaching involved with technology issue in the new curriculum guideline, developing the Problem-based learning (PBL) to flourish students' problem-solving abilities. Specifically, the study aims to help students to construct the relative knowledge of microplastic and problem-solving ability and propose specific solving strategies to fulfill the environment protection to microplastic.
