

肩旋轉肌斷裂是臨床上常見的疾病,也是中老年人肩關節功能失調的常見原因,臨床上的處置包括非手術治療及手術治療,但鮮有人對此兩者的處置進行療效的評估比較,本文即是在探討復健治療對肩旋轉肌患者之療效(包括手術者及非手術者),並比較兩種處置之成效。共有22人參與此研究(包括13名手術者及9名非手術者),每人皆接受為期八週,每週三次的復健治療(包括熱療、皮神經刺激、按摩及運動治療),並每隔兩週定期評估其療效,我們以Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test 統計分析,評估其活動度、肌力及疼痛指數的療效,並以Mann-Whitney test 比較手術及未手術組之間復健療效的差異。我們也使用Kruskal-Wallis Test分析斷裂嚴重程度對復健療效的相互關係。結果顯示復健治療在早期即可改善兩組患者的活動度及疼痛,但對於肌力的改善則無明顯的療效。而復健治療對於手術及未手術組之間的療效無明顯差異,斷裂嚴重度和復健療效之間亦無明顯的相關性存在。因此對於中老年人肩旋轉肌斷裂患者而言,無論其是否曾經過手術治療或斷裂程度的嚴重與否,復健治療對其肩部的疼痛及功能失調均有明顯的療效。


復健 肩旋轉肌斷裂


Rotator cuff tear is one of the most common causes of shoulder disability in middle-aged and elderly people. Although many patients with rotator cuff tear have pain and dysfunction, there is a great variability in the clinical manifestations. The management of rotator cuff tear includes non-operative and operative methods. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic effect of rehabilitation and to compare the rehabilitation effects between patients receiving operation or not. Twenty-two patients were enrolled in this study (13 operative and 9 non-operative). Each subject received rehabilitation therapy (including heat packing, TENS, massage, and therapeutic exercise) twice a week, and the therapeutic duration was 8 weeks. We evaluated the therapeutic effect every two weeks, including shoulder range of motion (ROM), muscle power and pain analogue scale. Statistical evaluation was performed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The results showed that rehabilitation therapy could improve ROM and relief of pain in both groups, but not muscle power. There was no significant rehabilitative effect difference between the operative and non-operative groups. No significant relationship was found between the severity of rotator cuff tear and the therapeutic effects. For middle-aged and elderly patients with rotator cuff tear, rehabilitation has positive therapeutic effects in both operative and non-operative patients with any size of rotator cuff tear. Therefore, rehabilitation therapy in the treatment of patients with rotator cuff tear cannot be overemphasized.


rehabilitation rotator cuff tear


